Efficacy of Ginseng (Panax ginseng) Root Extract against Eggplant’s Fruit and Shoot Borers (Leucinodes orbonalis)


  • Leilidyn ZURBANO


Fruit and shoot borer (EFSB) is the most damaging insect pest of eggplant. Thus, effect of different concentrations of Ginseng root extract on EFSB under laboratory and field conditions were studied. The experiment was laid out using Complete Randomized Design with 6 treatments and replicated thrice. The treatments were: T1 - Control (water); T2 - 20% ginseng root extract; T3 - 40% ginseng root extract; T4 - 60% ginseng root extract; T5 - 80% ginseng root extract and T6 - 100% ginseng root extract. Under laboratory condition, % mortality of FBSB (5) was highest under 100% ginseng root extract. Eggplants applied with 100% Ginseng root extract had no damage at all from the FBSB while fruits under the control treatment and 20% ginseng root extract were extremely damaged inside and out and the FBSB managed to live inside the fruit. Under field condition, eggplants under the control treatment, 20% and 40% ginseng root extracts were extremely damaged inside and out (5), and the EFSB managed to live inside the fruit while fruits applied with 100% ginseng root extract were not damaged by FBSB (1.33). Marketable fruits (6.28 ton/ha) and economic yield were also highest (66.49%) in crops applied with 100% ginseng root extract. Hence, the higher the concentration of ginseng root extract applied to fruits, the lower the degree of damage up to no damage it does to plants. Thus, 100% ginseng root extract is effective against fruit and shoot borer.




How to Cite

Leilidyn ZURBANO. (2021). International Journal of Modern Agriculture, 10(1), 38-46. Retrieved from https://modern-journals.com/index.php/ijma/article/view/435


