Ocimum Tenuiflorum: Review


  • Prof. Premanada Mohaptra, Prof. Rabindra Nath Raj, Ms. Kajal Srichandan


Ayurveda, with a focus on healthy lifestyles and the regular consumption of adaptogenous herbs, is the predominant reason for global morbidity and death from chronic lifestyle diseases. Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum Linn) is preeminent in all the herbs used in Ayurveda, and scientific research is confirmed now. There is growing evidence that a combination of pharmacological activities enables tulsi to deal with physical, chemical, metabolism and psychological stress. Tulsi has been found to protect organs and tissues from chemical stress and prolonged physical strain from industrial pollutants and heavy metals. Tulsi has demonstrated its detrimental influence on the memory plus cognitive function including its anxiolytic and antidepressant properties to combat metabolic stress by normalizing blood glucose, blood pressure, and lipid levels and psychological stress. The wide range of antimicrobial activity of Tulsi, which includes activities against a variety of pathogens in human and animal life, suggests that Tulsi can be used as a sanitizer for hands, mouthwash and water purifier as well as for animal breeding, wound-healing, food preservation and herbal raw material and for the health of traveller. Tulsi growing has spiritual and practical importance which connects the producer to nature's creative power, and bio-growing offers food security, rural poverty, hunger, environment degradation and climate change solutions. Tulsi is an indication of AYURVEDIC wisdom in daily rituals, and is an example of ancient knowledge that provides solutions to modern problems. This paper describes the therapeutic and medicinal uses of Tulsi in traditional medicine.




How to Cite

Prof. Premanada Mohaptra, Prof. Rabindra Nath Raj, Ms. Kajal Srichandan. (2020). Ocimum Tenuiflorum: Review. International Journal of Modern Agriculture, 9(3), 653 - 659. Retrieved from https://modern-journals.com/index.php/ijma/article/view/264


