Utilizing Diverse Coating Materials for Storage Stability of Encapsulated Anthocyanin Extract from Black Carrot


  • Ms. Monalisa Das, Ms. Madhusmita Patra, Mr. Ashok Kumar Das, Mr. Chakradhar Patra


The enzymatic helped cum hydraulic powered crusher extract of black carrot which has high anthocyanin content were encapsulated through spray drier utilizing a blend of JSS (Jack fruit seed starch), SPI (Soy protein isolate) and NBRE-15 (SET - 1) what's more, in the second arrangement of investigation utilizing JSS, Whey protein and NBRE-15 (SET-2) as coating materials. The quality traits of the powders which were delivered at an ideal blend of SET - 1 and SET-2 were described by anthocyanin content, antioxidant agent limit and L, a, b, Cand H value. It was accounted for that SET-1 was discovered better typifying material when contrasted with SET-2. SET-1 had higher retention of anthocyanin content, shading, antioxidant agent action during storage at 25 0C. For spray drying black carrot anthocyanin, SET-1 containing soy protein with JSS what's more, NBRE-15 gave most important anthocyanin content moreover, cell support limit powder in the wake of drying. In solicitation to restrict the concealing disaster, anthocyanin content additionally, cell fortification development these things should be taken care of in brilliant concealed containers with least head space. SET-1 had higher viability to foresee the loss of concealing, anthocyanin and cell reinforcement specialist activity during storage.




How to Cite

Ms. Monalisa Das, Ms. Madhusmita Patra, Mr. Ashok Kumar Das, Mr. Chakradhar Patra. (2020). Utilizing Diverse Coating Materials for Storage Stability of Encapsulated Anthocyanin Extract from Black Carrot. International Journal of Modern Agriculture, 9(3), 515 - 521. Retrieved from https://modern-journals.com/index.php/ijma/article/view/245


