Decomposition and Nutrient Dynamics on Two Soil Types during Wheat Cropping: A Review


  • Durgesh Nandan


The soil type along with the nutrient inclusion is a critical point for the harvesting of the crop irrespective of the soil quality. The present paper have given the emphasis over the analysis of the soil from the view point of the decomposition of the stable or the residue from the previous harvesting in the field. It has been understood by many experts and agricultural scientist that the decomposition of the residue help to increase the dynamics of the nutrient value and variation in the soil and further, this inclusion of the residue in the soil have increased the fertilizer capacity of the soil and also helps to harvesting the crop organically without the addition of the man made urea based fertilizers.  This paper has given a special focus on the field in the north India that have also known as the gangetic plain and this plain is also famous for its harvesting capability as the major part of the India’s requirement of the wheat and rice is produced in this field only.



2021-03-01 — Updated on 2021-03-18


How to Cite

Durgesh Nandan. (2021). Decomposition and Nutrient Dynamics on Two Soil Types during Wheat Cropping: A Review. International Journal of Modern Agriculture, 10(1), 672 - 677. Retrieved from (Original work published March 1, 2021)


