Biological Activity of Meadow Soils Saline with Magnesium Carbonates and Their Change under the Influence of Compost


  • Boboeva N. A., KodirovaSh I.


This article presents the results of experiments conducted to study the effect of composts with medium and high rates and against the background of mineral fertilizers, on the biological activity of meadow soils with carbonate-magnesium salinity, common in the middle reaches of the Zarafshan River, Zarafshan Valley. The quantitative and qualitative indicators of humus and the number of microorganisms under the influence of composts were determined. The introduction of organic fertilizers, manure and compost, increases the content of humus in the soil. Due to the rise of its contentin the soil, the number of microorganisms that mineralize organic substances of soil increases. Under the condition of a deficiency of easily mobilized organic substance in the soil, microorganisms switch to active using of the carbon of humic compounds, which leads to a decrease in the humus content.




How to Cite

Boboeva N. A., KodirovaSh I. (2021). Biological Activity of Meadow Soils Saline with Magnesium Carbonates and Their Change under the Influence of Compost. International Journal of Modern Agriculture, 10(1), 390 - 395. Retrieved from


