Design And Fabrication Of Al-Si (Er4043) Aluminium Impeller Using Wire Arc Additive Manufactured (Waam)


  • Manikandan.N, Dr. G. Swaminathan , Yedula Ajith Reddy, Akhil Varier P V, D Hari Hara, Bharath Chandra, E Vijayaragavan


Wire arc additive manufacturing (WAAM) is amassing the curiosity of many researchers as well as industry specialists, because of its high deposition rates, low buy-to-fly ratio (BTF), low investment, and good material properties of manufactured products. WAAM produces components layer by layer using MIG/TIG welding. When compared with other additive manufacturing techniques such as Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) which uses raw material in the form of powder which is quite difficult to produce and has a high price tag, WAAM uses wire which have advantages in both price and is easy to produce. WAAM is very beneficial for manufacturing large/big components with medium complexity. This paper presents the final results obtained from mechanical testing conducted on an impeller prototype fabricated using WAAM along with the design and analysis of the impeller. And a detailed explanation of the whole process of fabricating the impeller prototype using WAAM is provided.




How to Cite

Manikandan.N, Dr. G. Swaminathan , Yedula Ajith Reddy, Akhil Varier P V, D Hari Hara, Bharath Chandra, E Vijayaragavan. (2021). Design And Fabrication Of Al-Si (Er4043) Aluminium Impeller Using Wire Arc Additive Manufactured (Waam). International Journal of Modern Agriculture, 10(2), 4176 - 4189. Retrieved from


