Analysis and Prediction of Crop Yield using Data Mining and Machine Learning Algorithms


  • Jasper Varun T., Nagadithya Bathala, Chaitra Nayak J.


Agriculture plays a vital role in India’s economy and majority of India’s population is dependent on agriculture but farmer’s still face a lot of challenges and issues both in terms of productivity and cost management due to the varying climatic conditions and lack of modern agricultural knowledge. In this work we have built a simulation model to predict the yield of crops in each district of Karnataka, by considering various parameters like rainfall, season, crop year, district and area of the land in which the crop is to be grown. WEKA Tool is used for data pre-processing. Python is used for data analysis and jupyter notebook is used as a tool for applying the machine learning algorithms for predicting the crop yield. The algorithm that performed best in simulation was later implemented using python in jupyter notebook




How to Cite

Jasper Varun T., Nagadithya Bathala, Chaitra Nayak J. (2021). Analysis and Prediction of Crop Yield using Data Mining and Machine Learning Algorithms. International Journal of Modern Agriculture, 10(2), 3550 - 3559. Retrieved from


